Its carnival time again and its the one time of the year that you are really glad that you have a really good camera. Now carnival has become a strange dichotomy. You have on the one end a seemingly bottomless well of imagination and creativity and on the on the other end you have a cut copy and paste culture pandering to the lowest common denominator. To me it doesn’t matter. whether its recycled stuff or new ideas there is plenty to shoot.
The carnival festivities usually start with the children. There is usually more to speak of in terms of creativity hear because its purpose is less ambiguous than what happens on Carnival Monday and Tuesday. Here it is all about looking pretty even at the result is not having any fun at all or even worse not even being comfortable.
Its also worth mentioning that whilst the adults where the full costume on only one day the children where theirs as often as six times.

But they do put on a brave face and stick it out. Maybe its because they enjoy it or maybe its because they are told to do so, cant see them having much say if they aren’t, its yeoman service none the less and all appreciate their efforts in keeping the culture alive.
As I mentioned before it is in these parades that you are really blessed with a display of creativity.
So this year is the second year I am shooting with the full frame Canon EOS 6D and the Canon 24-105 F4 L is lens. Unlike last year though I have upgraded to the new Canon 600EX-RT flash gun. The Canon 580EXII was no slouch but I always found the its coverage a bit wired on the the EOS 6D. Also the 600EX-RT seems to take advantage of the better metering system on the Canon 6D.
More on the performance of the equipment in another post for now we are about displaying color, creativity and revelry of the Kiddies Carnival 2016.