So as you may know I owned the Tamron SP 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD lens for almost a year. I bought it because it seemed to have all the right specifications. Things like image stabilization, constant f2.8 aperture, weather sealing, even a tripod collar ant it was about half the price of the Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM. Initially I was so obsessed with bokeh and shooting at 200mm wide open that I supposed I ignored or downplayed some of the issues that the lens had. I even wrote a mostly glowing review about it which you can read here. After a while though it became too much to deal with and I had to part ways with it. Read More
Category Gear
Shooting in Natural light
Speedlights, studio strobes and the related modifiers are all great tools for you to use as a photographer. They allow you to control the way your scene is lit. But there is no light like that of the sun and no light modifier or GOBO like the ones made by mother nature. So why not make use of it? It’s why many photographers abandon the studio and take their sessions outdoors. There are however a few things that you have to keep in mind if you want to get the best results when shooting outdoors with natural light. Read More
Tamron SP 70-200mm F/2.8 Di VC USD. My review
The Tamron SP 70-200mm F/2.8 Di VC USD is the first lens that charted a new direction for Tamron. No longer were they to be the cheaper alternative to the usually higher quality OEM variants, they were now aiming to be contemporaries worthy of selection based on their performance. Read More
The Canon EF 70-200 f/4. A better lens than you think
The Canon 70-200 f4, the non IS version, is one of 4 Canon EF lenses with that 70-200 zoom range. It is also the cheapest (read least expensive) Canon L lens you can buy. There is no image stabilization or weather sealing, it’s only an f4 aperture and lacks the flare reducing coatings that are common in more modern lenses. That’s because this lens was released back in 1999 and a lot of that stuff hadn’t been invented yet. However, this lens is still in production as of the writing of this post. So why would anyone want this lens? Read More